Monday 6 May 2013

SQL Performance Improvement Guidelines

  • As a common practice, every table should have a clustered index. Generally, but not always, the clustered index should be on a column that monotonically increases, such as an identity column or some other column where the value is unique. In many cases, the primary key is the ideal column for a clustered index.

  • Do not automatically add indexes on a table because it seems like the right thing to do. Only add indexes if you know that they will be used by the queries run against the table.
  • Ideally a clustered index should be based on a single column (not multiple columns) that are as narrow as possible. This not only reduces the clustered index's physical size, it also reduces the physical size of non-clustered indexes and boosts SQL Server's overall performance.
  • When you create a clustered index, try to create it as a unique clustered index, not a non-unique clustered index.
  • Queries that include either the DISTINCT or the GROUP BY clauses can be optimized by including appropriate indexes. Any of the following indexing strategies can be used:
    • Include a covering, non-clustered index (covering the appropriate columns) of the DISTINCT or the GROUP BY clauses.
    • Include a clustered index on the columns in the GROUP BY clause.
    • Include a clustered index on the columns found in the SELECT clause.
    • Adding appropriate indexes to queries that include DISTINCT or GROUP BY is most important for those queries that run often.
    • Avoid use of cursor. It could be done using WHILE loops.
    • Avoid use of COUNT in a sub-query.
SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of each stored procedure you write. This statement should be included in every stored procedure, trigger, etc. that you write.
USE AdventureWorks2012;

-- Display the count message.
SELECT TOP(5)LastName 
FROM Person.Person
WHERE LastName LIKE 'A%';

-- SET NOCOUNT to ON to no longer display the count message.
SELECT TOP(5) LastName
FROM Person.Person
WHERE LastName LIKE 'A%';

-- Reset
  • Between over IN
When you have a choice of using the IN or the BETWEEN clauses in your Transact-SQL, you will generally want to use the BETWEEN clause, as it is much more efficient.

SELECT task_id, task_name
FROM tasks
WHERE task_id in (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004) much less efficient than this:
SELECT task_id, task_name
FROM tasks
WHERE task_id BETWEEN 1000 and 1004

  • Avoid using the SUBSTRING function
If possible, you should avoid using the SUBSTRING function and use the LIKE condition instead for better performance. Instead of doing this:
WHERE SUBSTRING(task_name,1,1) = 'b'

Try using this instead:
WHERE task_name LIKE 'b%'

  • If you are creating a stored procedure to run in a database other than the Master database, don't use the prefix sp_ in its name. This special prefix is reserved for system stored procedures.Although using this prefix will not prevent a user defined stored procedure from working, what it can do is to slow down its execution ever so slightly. 
  •  When joining tables, you should specify a WHERE expression.
Joins without WHERE expressions are often time-consuming to evaluate because of the multiplier effect of the Cartesian product. For example, joining two tables of 1,000 rows each without specifying a WHERE expression or an ON clause, produces a result table with one million rows.
  • Creating Full Text Catalog and Full Text Search
Full Text Index helps to perform complex queries against character data.  These queries can include word or phrase searching. We can create a full-text index on a table or indexed view in a database.

FREETEXT( ) Is predicate used to search columns containing character-based data types. It will not match the exact word, but the meaning of the words in the search condition. When FREETEXT is used, the full-text query engine internally performs the following actions on the freetext_string, assigns each term a weight, and then finds the matches.
    • Separates the string into individual words based on word boundaries (word-breaking).
    • Generates inflectional forms of the words (stemming).
    • Identifies a list of expansions or replacements for the terms based on matches in the thesaurus.
SELECT BusinessEntityID, JobTitle
FROM HumanResources.Employee
WHERE FREETEXT(*, 'Marketing Assistant');

  • You can speed up your query by rewriting it with OR condition as a UNION
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (Field1 = 'Value1') OR (Field2 = 'Value2') 
SELECT ... WHERE Field1 = 'Value1' 
SELECT ... WHERE Field2 = 'Value2' 
  • Use of NOLOCK
Use of WITH(NOLOCK) can prevent reads being deadlocked by other operations
FROM sys.all_objects a WITH (NOLOCK)
CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects b WITH (NOLOCK)

About Author
Rajratna Shelhalkar works with Systems Plus and is working on Dot Net technology projects. He can be contacted at:

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